Welcome to Roslyn Playgroup!
Roslyn Playgroup is a not-for-profit community playgroup based in Geelong. We are led by a team of generous volunteers who are all Mum's, Dad's and caregivers and are passionate about contributing to and supporting our community.
We have a large indoor and outdoor space at the beautiful new Highton Child and Family Centre. Our playgroup is run out of the Multipurpose Room and can comfortably fit up to 18 families in each session.
We currently run weekly 2-hour sessions for babies, toddlers and children (0-5 years). Our session times are:
Tuesday: 9.30 - 11.30am
Wednesday: 9.30 - 11.30am
Thursday: 9.30 - 11.30am
Friday: 9.30am -11.30am
Our sessions run during Victorian school terms.

In The
Join us on Facebook and instagram for updates about what's going on at Roslyn Playgroup as well as information and events for Geelong babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers.
If you're looking for some interesting podcasts on the importance of play in the early years, then head over to Playgroup Victoria for some great interviews with professionals.
Roslyn Playgroup is a relaxed, fun and friendly environment. Our families live in Belmont, Highton, Wandana Heights, Waurn Ponds, Grovedale, Geelong and beyond. Everyone is welcome!
About our facilties

We are very fortunate to be able to enjoy a fenced outdoor playground shaded by beautiful trees. It has a large sandpit, winding paths, a tee pee made from bamboo, a great range of outdoor toys and endless opportunities for play!
We run our playgroup from the large multipurpose room at Highton Child and Family Centre.
We have a big selection of indoor toys, books, and art & craft supplies to suit all ages.
There are bathrooms located in the multipurpose room and a seperate bathroom for toddlers that also has baby change facilities
Tea & coffee is provided for parents and caregivers in the kitchen.​

What to expect during each session:
Our sessions incorporate free indoor and outdoor play.
Children have the opportunity to socialise, participate in group activities, and engage in self-directed play.
It is a great opportunity for adults to meet people and to build a strong support network in their community. At times it can be good to know there is someone in your local community you can rely on when you need help or someone to talk to.
Morning tea is brought along for each child from home. Prior to COVID-19 this was a shared time, and children ate a shared food platter together. We still encourage eating together at the tables however, right now children eat their own snacks brought from home either at the tables or outside.
Adults are required to supervise their children and assist with clean up.
During each term we organise events such as easter egg hunts, incursions, End of year celebrations etc.
Photos are occasionally taken by committee members to post on Instagram and Facebook. If you do not wish for your child to be photographed at all, please let the session leader know.